Master of Pink.
Future of

I bought light pink shoes. I never had before. There was something uncomfortable about the color. It felt strange like this is not me. But I was curious about something new. I was wearing them all day. Looking at them. Listening myself judging them. I thought they are too lame. Not enough energetic. Not powerful. But in the evening I suddenly felt I am that color. The color had won my thoughts. Color started to speak, to have its own ideas. It wanted to touch, care, to be close. It wanted to live on the skin. It felt same time very personal and impersonal. I acted the pink color to my actor friend.

I would like to do same kind of test with other colors. What all the other colours would do? How they would move me? How they would move others? If colors have their own intelligence, it would feel better to learn first colors, and then let the color teach other things. What if we learn this kind of technique at school?

There is lot of information available about color therapy, if you are interested about the theory part. For the taster: