This is my blog. My publicly alive. I chose this form because it can celebrate change and transformation. It is a job that allows changing identity. It took a long time to find that job! I ride along with my needs, inspirations, and things that come to me. Sometimes I want to dance, sometimes I want to destroy my website, sometimes I love diving into details, hang out with my friends, therapize myself, understand the truth of life. All that is hopefully increasing creativity in life.

These are the themes, which I have been hunting for you. For me as well. To understand where I am circling around. And make boxes about it. Not that easy!
I have separated personal, universal, and now. I aim to create associations and flow between them. The personal box is for creating more flow inside me. The universal box opens the flow between me and world around me, and flow between everything. The Rules of Now is my blog, my current, which gives new information to other boxes.