Waiting Made
Her Alive.
Art of

I call it My River. The flow of traveling from inspiration to inspiration. It is about following the alive. Stopping in places for sightseeing; Oh, that is The biggest pattern repeating machine of emotional disturbance. There is the Statue of strength. And there, incredible building of sensation in the mouth. It is about getting that still picture of the insight. I was here. Carrying the value of the places like souvenirs. And so bringing more water for My River. Hello Ocean, hi Wave, good morning Change, I am closer to you.

I play to break patterns and mix things back together. I listen to my body telling me what is my still image keeping me on the bay. What identities are keeping me small, which ones could be useful for growth? All these are practises to cut down repeating and so to become more alive. Follow along with the blog and themes and at my Instagram.

Do I Dare?
To let all of Me
Become Alive?

Life. All. Beauty.
Universe. Earth.
Dance. Body. Breath.

Rules of Now.
Break the Patterns.

Gallery of Selected Works.

I have my profession in graphic design. There is collection of web-related works and logo design in my graphic design portfolio. I also uploaded some custom works to my illustrations portfolio. Recycled decorations and artworks are trips outside of my profession to explore touch, colors and materials. Web experiments are the results of learning web design by playing. Art prints are still images from my journey. In short, my portfolio is alive and growing.

Art Prints of
My Journey

Web Design